Blog about the restoration of the gospel organ of the Cathedral of Segovia(Spanish version)
The organ of the Gospel (north side) of the choir of the Cathedral of Segovia is one of the most important works in its style, what we call the Spanish baroque organ and the largest of the preserved from the Echevarría family.
The work of restoration of this important organ built by Joseph de Echevarría in 1769-72 is being initiated, being the greatest instrument that is preserved of this organbuilder.
After the documentation work, data collection and information, begins the complete restoration of the organ.
El órgano de tres teclados manuales y contras cuenta con 64 registros (ambas manos) y contras de 26 palmos
con dos fachadas y un imponente mueble de estilo barroco tardío.
The recovery of the organ built by Joseph Echevarría is the objective of this intervention, preserving its character and its history as well as the complete restoration of the furniture.
For our workshop it is a professional and personal honor
develop the restoration of Joseph Echevarria’s organ
of the Cathedral of Segovia