Órgano Tordesillas, Valladolid

Santa María

(IIM, 22-25)

  • Phelipe Urarte 1716
  • Marcial Rodríguez ¿? 1864, reform
  • Joaquín Lois 2010

Phelipe Urarte, born in Viana (Navarra), left us a very unique organ for Tordesillas and its surroundings since abundant horizontal reeds in facades, 42 notes keyboards and magnificent cases with side facades were uncommon in Castile at that time.

The restoration of cases allows us to witness the miraculous rebirth of colors and shapes, before our own eyes.

Órgano Tordesillas, Valladolid

Santa María

Santa María Organ Phelipe Urarte 1716
Tordesillas, Santa María Phelipe Urarte 1716
Órgano de Santa María
Tordesillas, Santa María Stop knobs
Tordesillas, Santa María facade pipes detail
Órgano de Santa María Facade: detail
Tordesillas, Santa María Horizontal reeds
Órgano de Santa María Console: detail
Tordesillas, Santa María Pipes before restoration: detail
Santa María Organ Pipes before restoration: detailPipes before restoration: detail
Santa María Organ Pipes restoration
Santa María Organ Console restoration
Órgano de Santa María Interior pipes
Santa María Organ Case restoration: detail
Santa María Organ Case: restoration process
Santa María Organ Wind chest restoration. Sliders
Santa María Organ Restoration. Pallet box
Santa María Organ Restoration. Wind chest
Santa María Organ Restored wind chest
Santa María Organ Bellows
Santa María Organ Channel boards restoration
Santa María Organ Channel boards restoration

Technical details

Despite the thorough reforms that the organ had undergone over the years, it was possible to identify its original structure and recover it completely. Its plastic richness and shiny composition give us a beautiful example of a Baroque organ.


  • Manual keyboard with 42 notes (C-a”’), short-octave.
  • Divided stops (c’-c’# )


Flautado de 13 * Flautado de 13*
Octava* Octava
Docena Docena
Quincena Quincena
Decinovena Decinovena
Ventidosena (lleno) III Ventidosena (lleno) III
Címbala III Címbala III
Tapadillo Tapadillo
Nazardo en 15ª Nazardo en 15ª
Trompeta real Corneta VII
Corneta de eco VI
Horizontal reeds Horizontal reeds
Bajoncillo* Clarín*
Chirimia* Trompeta Magna*
Orlo (testa)* Oboe*
Orlo (testa)*
in front facade *
Timpani in D and A.


Other characteristics

  • Accessories:
    Knee levers: Bajoncillo and Clarín
    Stirrups (pedals): cornetas switch; echo chamber’s lid. 
  • The tuning pitch is 412 Hz at 22ºC
  • Mean-tone temperament


Órgano Tordesillas, Valladolid

Santa María

Santa María Organ Phelipe Urarte 1716
Tordesillas, Santa María Phelipe Urarte 1716
Órgano de Santa María
Tordesillas, Santa María Stop knobs
Tordesillas, Santa María facade pipes detail
Órgano de Santa María Facade: detail
Tordesillas, Santa María Horizontal reeds
Órgano de Santa María Console: detail
Tordesillas, Santa María Pipes before restoration: detail
Santa María Organ Pipes before restoration: detailPipes before restoration: detail
Santa María Organ Pipes restoration
Santa María Organ Console restoration
Órgano de Santa María Interior pipes
Santa María Organ Case restoration: detail
Santa María Organ Case: restoration process
Santa María Organ Wind chest restoration. Sliders
Santa María Organ Restoration. Pallet box
Santa María Organ Restoration. Wind chest
Santa María Organ Restored wind chest
Santa María Organ Bellows
Santa María Organ Channel boards restoration
Santa María Organ Channel boards restoration


The almost three hundred years of history of the Santa María organ in Tordesillas reflect the common transformations undergone by these instruments in Castile. These transformations have allowed them to survive to the present day in an optimal state for their restoration. Phelipe Urarte built several organs in our region and lived in Tordesillas, so it is possible that he had his workshop in Tordesillas for a while.

Intervetion made

ne first look at the instrument before restoration offered an appalling scenario. Not only the approach taken in the 1865 reform was absurd, but also the pipes had suffered a brutal treatment. There were even more pipes than necessary since there were baskets with additional pipes apart from the ones that the organ already had. Moreover, there were cinc pipes which were awfully crafted. Step by step, the ignoble materials could be separated from the noble ones.

Órgano Tordesillas, Valladolid

Santa María


31 de May de 2017

Silvia Márquez Chulilla in Santa Maria organ of Tordesillas

Recorded live on August 19, 2016 in the organ built by Phelipe Urarte of 1716

Silvia Márquez Chulilla

In the Santa María organ of Tordesillas, Valladolid (Spain)

Jan Pieterszon Sweelinck (1562-1621)
Onder een linde groen

@2016 Silvia Márquez Chulilla | www.silviamarquez.com

28 de September de 2016

3 siglos de música en el órgano de Sta María de Tordesillas

Grabación realizada en 2015 en el órgano Sta María de Tordesillas con motivo del 300 aniversario del instrumento construido en 1716

En el órgano de Sta. María, Tordesillas.
Pista 1 | batalla de 6º tono. Antonino Correa Braga

Puede comprar el CD en la oficina de turismo de Tordesillas, en la página web de Ignacio Ribas Taléns o ponerte en contacto con la asociación El Realejo.

13 de August de 2011

The Santa María organ in Tordesillas. A masterpiece of the school of Viana

This video shows the organ of Sta. María de Tordesillas, restored in 2010 by the organ building workshop of Joaquín Lois

Built in 1718 by the Navarrese organ builder Phelipe Urarte, from the Viana school of organ builders. This instrument was restored in 2010 by the Joaquín Lois organ workshop.

This video was screened at the conference dedicated to the Viana organ building school, within the XVIII Series “Música para órgano en Navarra”


25 de August de 2011

Tuberías que recitan 3 siglos

Articulo publicado en el periódico el Norte de Castilla, con motivo de la restauración del órgano de Santa María de Tordesillas.